TANGO TODAY , the Magazine of Planet Tango.

Because TANGO is part of our life. In Planet tango everything is permited.

We don’t have an unclassified objective.

We are talking about one of the most important Urban Popular Music that was born in the Rio de la Plata and adopted by the entire world.

TANGO TODAY invites you to enter in his Fantastic World. Tango Today pretends an interchange of information from the people who is fan and hard followers of this music and its stories of love and death.

lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

VENDRAS ALGUNA VEZ- WILL YOU COME SOME DAY Tango Music A Malerba Letter: L Cesar Amadori – 1938

Si supieras que estoy solo
entre tanta y tanta gente
si supieras que estoy triste
mientras ríen locamente;
tengo todo y me parece
que sin vos no tengo nada....
y en la noche atormentada de mi amor,
te pregunta temblando mi voz.

Vendrás alguna vez...decime.
Vendrás por el camino de mi soledad.
Y no me importa lo que diga la gente,
ya ves, humildemente, te pido que vuelvas.
Vendrás alguna vez...mentime.
Mentime si es que nunca volverás.
Porque prefiero vivir de esa mentira,
que andar tras de la muerte sabiendo la verdad.

Tu reuerdo me persigue,
tan tenaz como la sombra,
y en la noche solitaria
oigo el viento que te nombra.
Yo te llamo en mi amargura
aunque nadie me conteste,
y es inútil que proteste pues mi amor
es mas fuerte que todo el rencor.

Vendrás alguna vez...decime.
Vendrás por el camino de mi soledad.
Y no me importa lo que diga la gente,
ya ves, humildemente, te pido que vuelvas.
Vendrás alguna vez...mentime.
Mentime si es que nunca volverás.
Porque prefiero vivir de esa mentira,
que andar tras de la muerte sabiendo la verdad.

If You knew that I'm alone
Between so, so many people
If you knew that I'm so sad
and they laugh as they were crazy;
I have everything but seems to me,
That without you I have nothing,
and in the stormng life of my love,
My voice, trembling asks you:

Will you come some day...tell me
You will come some day by the solitude way
And I don't care what people could say
You know, modestly, I ask you to come,
Will you come some day...lie me
Lie me if you never will come back,
Cause I prefer to live into this lie
Than walk behind the Death knowing the Truth.

Your memory pursues me,
so hard as the shadow,
and in the solitaire night
I hear the wind that names you.
I am calling into my sadness,
although nobody calls me,
and its useless that I protest cause my Love
Is stronger than all the bitterness.

Will you come some day...tell me
You will come some day by the solitude way
And I don't care what people could say
You know, modestly, I ask you to come,
Will you come some day...lie me
Lie me if you never will come back,
Cause I prefer to live into this lie
Than walk behind the Death knowing the Truth.

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