TANGO TODAY , the Magazine of Planet Tango.

Because TANGO is part of our life. In Planet tango everything is permited.

We don’t have an unclassified objective.

We are talking about one of the most important Urban Popular Music that was born in the Rio de la Plata and adopted by the entire world.

TANGO TODAY invites you to enter in his Fantastic World. Tango Today pretends an interchange of information from the people who is fan and hard followers of this music and its stories of love and death.

sábado, 7 de abril de 2012


The perdurability of Tango depends not only of its quality as popular art, etc,  but because it has the possibility  to be transferred into another rhythm.
Every Tango can be converse and merge with another popular music without losing its autentical roots.
There are hundreds of examples  as Adios Muchachos played by Louis Armstrong, Vida Mia by Dizzie Gillespie, or Nieblas del Riachuelo song by The Flamenco singer La Cigala, between others.
This reliability of this Urban Music is not often encounter in another Popular Urban Musics.
By the contrary is not possible to  apply these concepts to the so called Clasical Music, because into this Music, the artist cant “remove” notes and replace them without trespassing a forbidden limit imposed by  the constitution of that music, by the concept and by the context.
It’s impossible for a pianist, as example, to play a piece of Mozart, with changes during its execution. It has to be played from the first note to the last one the Author has written.
It’s not the time to make an absurd comparison but it’s not the way of Tango.
A piece of Tango can be changed in such  FORM THAT ONLY BY PARTS, SOMETIMES, it we can be recognize  as the Original.
But, no matter, because Tango flourish into that Freedom.. Because as a Popular Urban Music, Tango has exceded sounds questions being converted in a Cultural Phenomenon.
That’s why as an Urban Popular Music needs multidisciplinaries studies and many speciailist will be  required to do that job. We'll see some  examples of that reliability:

  Title:Nada - Tango- Authors Dames-Sanguineti           
Orchestra Miguel  Calo                                       
Singer Raul Iriarte

Title:  Nada-Bossa Nova- Artist: Caetano Veloso

Title: Por una Cabeza- Authors: Gardel & Le Pera- Tango-Singer Carlos Gardel

Title: Por una Cabeza- Authors: Gardel & Le Pera- Reggae - Los Pericos

We can find hundreds of these type of examples, however neither one version nor the others loses the vital esence of its composers, this is the point I wanted to arrived.: that Tango has  HUGE RELIABILITY TO BE TRANSFORM AS IF IT WERE  AN  ELASTIC BALLL which finally, returns or conserve its own image, reflected  everywhere. And this possibility aims to the musicians of every parts of the World to attempt with a Tango and with their own cultural behaviour.

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